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Are You Eligible For Medicare?
There is an initial 7 month enrollment period when you first sign up for Medicare: 

                                                                Three months before the month you turn 65 

                                                                The month you actually turn 65 

                                                                Three months after the month you turn 65

There is no cost to most people for Part A. However, you must pay a premium for Part B if you want it, which in 2016 is expected to remain at $104.90 per month, the same as it was in 2014 and 2015. This premium is automatically deducted from your Social Security, Railroad Retirement, or Civil Service Retirement benefits.

Part B Late Enrollment Penalty - THIS IS IMPORTANT!

If you don't sign up for Part B when you're first eligible or if you drop Part B and then get it later, you may have to pay a late enrollment penalty for as long as you have Medicare. 

Your monthly premium for Part B may go up 10% for each full 12-month period that you could have had Part B, but didn't sign up for it. However, if you are still working, you may be able to delay signing up for Part B without any penalty.

To apply for Medicare, call Social Security at 1-800-772-1213 or visit your local Social Security office in person. 
You are not required to be receiving Social Security in order to sign up for Medicare.
 Age 65 or older - When these individuals sign up to receive Social Security (or Railroad Retirement) benefits, they are also signing up to receive Medicare. Individuals who had begun receiving Social Security benefits prior to age 65 become automatically enrolled in Medicare when they turn 65.

 Disabled -To receive Medicare benefits as a disabled person, an individual must have met Social Security’s definition of disability and must have received Social Security disability benefits for 24 months. At that point, the disabled individual will automatically be enrolled in Medicare. However, individuals who have amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS—also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease) are automatically enrolled in Medicare the same month that their disability benefits begin.
To Learn More
Copyright 2015 - Senior Resources WA 
 Have End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) - End-stage renal disease, generally referred to as “kidney failure,” is the final qualifier for Medicare. To qualify for Medicare benefits due to kidney failure, an individual must be on dialysis or must have received a kidney transplant. Medicare coverage for kidney failure ends 12 months after an individual stops dialysis or 36 months after the individual receives a kidney transplant, whichever occurs first. However, Medicare coverage for kidney failure is extended if the individual goes back on dialysis or receives another kidney transplant within that period of time.
To be eligible for Medicare, an individual generally must fall into one of the following three categories:
When To Sign Up For Medicare